Student Life
Enrolling your child in treatment and allowing someone else to care for your most prized possession will be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. Please understand that we don’t take that responsibility lightly. In fact, it keeps many of us up at night thinking about your son like they were our own and trying to discover the best way to help them.
The beauty of a ranch is that there are always things to do. This can be a child’s paradise. We firmly believe in the tremendous value and benefits that boys derive from being outside, being physically active, learning new skills, being engaged in meaningful activities, and seeing their accomplishments at the end of the day.
With that in mind, we take great pains to balance our students’ daily life. Mornings start early with students waking up and getting immediately ready for the day. Animals have to be fed every morning and evening, so those one of the first and last chores that take place daily. All meals are prepared with staff and students working together. Everyone will sit down and eat breakfast together as a family. After breakfast it’s time for cleanup or to complete other group assignments. The rest of the morning can be spent in several different ways. Students may be involved in school, therapy, ranch projects, horsemanship, service projects, or a recreational activity such as a hike or outing.
Lunch is prepared by staff and students and everyone comes back to sit down and eat together again. After lunch is eaten and cleaned up, everyone is back out to one of the above-mentioned activities again until dinner.
Dinner is the same as breakfast and lunch with everyone working together to prepare, eat, and clean up. Then it’s an opportunity for some free time. Free time can include working on homework, completing therapy assignments, writing letters to family, playing sports, playing games, etc.
Students will then begin preparing for bed which includes hygiene and showers, meds (if needed), and journaling time. After that it's lights out, and we start again bright and early the next day.
The beauty of a ranch is that there are always things to do. This can be a child’s paradise. We firmly believe in the tremendous value and benefits that boys derive from being outside, being physically active, learning new skills, being engaged in meaningful activities, and seeing their accomplishments at the end of the day.
With that in mind, we take great pains to balance our students’ daily life. Mornings start early with students waking up and getting immediately ready for the day. Animals have to be fed every morning and evening, so those one of the first and last chores that take place daily. All meals are prepared with staff and students working together. Everyone will sit down and eat breakfast together as a family. After breakfast it’s time for cleanup or to complete other group assignments. The rest of the morning can be spent in several different ways. Students may be involved in school, therapy, ranch projects, horsemanship, service projects, or a recreational activity such as a hike or outing.
Lunch is prepared by staff and students and everyone comes back to sit down and eat together again. After lunch is eaten and cleaned up, everyone is back out to one of the above-mentioned activities again until dinner.
Dinner is the same as breakfast and lunch with everyone working together to prepare, eat, and clean up. Then it’s an opportunity for some free time. Free time can include working on homework, completing therapy assignments, writing letters to family, playing sports, playing games, etc.
Students will then begin preparing for bed which includes hygiene and showers, meds (if needed), and journaling time. After that it's lights out, and we start again bright and early the next day.
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