KW Legacy Ranch takes special care to ensure the safety of your child. It is an awesome responsibility to work with you to care for your son. And although we can never completely eliminate risk, we take great pains to get as close as we can to that goal. Here are just some of the ways that we pride ourselves in caring for the safety of your child:
- 24 hour awake supervision
- Thorough screening and intake assessment of all students including previous medical and psychological history
- Full fire sprinkler and alarm system installed throughout the entire facility
- Quarterly fire inspections
- Inspection of buildings and facilities
- Verification that facility is in compliance with applicable codes concerning safety of human life, environmental health, and building and zoning
- Review of student files and treatment plans
- Background and investigation checks (including fingerprinting) on all staff
- Written Emergency Plans including evacuation, transportation, relocation sites, supervision, and emergency contact protocols
- Posted emergency exit plans and emergency phone numbers
- Fire drills
- Natural disaster drills
- Daily sign-in and out
- Immunization records
- Alcohol and drug free campus
- Written medication records
- Documented daily menus
- Access to dental care, eye doctor, and orthodontal care
- Daily cleaning of facility and deep cleaning every week
- Higher staff to student ratio than Nevada State requirements
- Therapy provided by master’s level clinicians
- Written and documented treatment plans for each student
- All Staff are trained in the following:
- First Aid
- Child development training
- The recognition of signs and symptoms of illness
- Policies and procedures training
- De-escalation training
- Suicide prevention training
- Emergency procedures
- Recognizing and reporting child abuse training
- Medication management
- HIPPA training
- And much more